Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Huge Garrett July 4th Pancake Breakfast + Run/Walk - Make It Happen!


How many remember Sherry Smith, Coach Ward Smith’s daughter (and possibly your old friend), who a couple years before graduating from Garrett moved to Beech Grove (I believe) in 1967?



Well, this is Sherry Smith Nidlinger accepting her second place award at last Saturday’s 2013 Lagrange Courthouse Classic 5k (2nd in the female 60+ division). 

Sherry’s son Jeff won the overall first place (he wins a lot of races), and I met her grandson there as well, a very engaging young man who will be going to Carroll High school next year (and someone you will likely read about before long if you follow regional wrestling). 

Now, wouldn’t it be grand if Sherry and a greater-than-usual host of other Garrett expatriates and alumni from all classes would converge at this year’s Garrett Heritage Days July 4th 2 mile walk / 5k run, which starts at the park across from the school?

The 9:00 walk/run is bracketed by a 7-11 pancake breakfast everyone can enjoy, walk/run or not. A lot of people do come every year, so imagine how many old friends you might discover there this year … COME AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Stephen Rowe welcomes correspondence of all sort at StephenRowe.OriGraphics@yahoo.com
(watch for the period between Rowe and OriGraphics)


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