In Memoriam (GHS '70)

(alphabetical order by first name, not sure of several dates)

Calvary Cemetery
Angie Muzzillo

Barbara Cattell

Ben Hatton

Bob Pickleseimer

Charles Roush

Chuck Bergner

Dolan Boyd

Ed Schlotterback

Gerald Gingery

Christian Union Cemetery
John Yarian 

Mark Sliger 

 Patricia Snook

Peggy Chisholm

Phil Wheeler

Randy Haffner

Rick Hyde

Rick Marti

Steve Tullis

Sue Kirkpatrick

Calvary Cemetery and Christian Union Cemetery are the two Garrett cemeteries I know best. (Are there others?) Certainly not all Garrett natives are buried here, but still, driving by I always reflect, if just for a moment, on the many generations that made Garrett what is was and is. And when I do take time to stroll through them, I am always moved: so many Garrett names, so much we shared, whether or not we ever met, just having lived in the same place.

Rest in Peace 

You are Remembered

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