Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What’s Right with This Picture?

(Excerpt from the May 2013 GHS '70 Newsletter)

 There is something that has bothered me for years about our JE Ober Group Class pictures, and there is a good chance it bothered you as well, and maybe it stilldoes. So I am a little scared to bring it up … Maybe it is something you would just as soon not think about? Something we should just leave in the past? It is a hard question, but ultimately when it comes to relationships I believe in open honesty.

You don’t see it in this first grade photo [thank you Doris Sleek Jarnagin (top row, fourth from the right) for these pictures]. Here things are just as they should be. But as the years unfolded, the elementary classes became relatively segregated into academic “lanes” – 4A, 4B, 4C, etc; a shallow, brutal system that wounded everyone, even those in the A lane. Speaking at least from my own perspective:

Being in the A lane limited me. I spent grades 4-6 with the same 30 kids instead of getting to know the other 90 better. It made me feel superior as a child and even afterward, which was a lie. Thank God I lived long enough to appreciate how truly narrow academic gifts are, to have learned how much I can’t do that others can, and to have finally come to know and value the infinitely broad and multicolored human spectrum that lives in allof us, but not in any of us individually.

So one great irony is that growing up in the A lane delayed my learning the most important truths - truths that many others probably learned much earlier.

One last note, regarding class reunions: A lot of people still, years later, are conflicted about their school experience and avoid their reunions. But my experience has been that somewhere along the way we all grew up, and reunions are now wonderful events where people really do come together. I’ve heard many people say “That was the first reunion I ever attended, and I will never miss another!” So I hope you will consider attending yours when it comes around. It will make you more whole, and your presence will contribute the wholeness of everyone else there as well. It will be a blessing.

Doris’ second grade picture looks pretty righteous too!

So many different kids in the second grade than in the first.

Stephen Rowe welcomes correspondence of all sort at
 (watch for the period between Rowe and OriGraphics)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Beware of Faux (Fake) School Alumni Association Web Sites

In January 2013 I searched Google on “Garrett Alumni Association,” a long-existing non-profit organization connected to my home town in Garrett, Indiana, and was delighted to find (or so I thought) that indeed they had finally gone digital. Wanting to support this organization, I paid $50 for a lifetime membership using a Visa credit card. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed in what I found: the site to which I paid $50 actually has no connection at all with that organization, and the very next day I clicked to delete my data from its registry, because I didn’t want my name or photo to be used in marketing this site to other Garrett alumni.

I felt completely duped. What happened?

First, I must admit that my closer examination after the fact did discover a bottom page disclaimer: is not affiliated with and is independent of any school, school district, alumni association or any other websites. So I was at fault. Caveat emptor! Buyer beware, and I was not wary enough. You don’t search for disclaimers when you believe you are dealing with your school alumni association. And I feel that the  presentation was designed to mislead:

For instance, consider the header Alumni Newsletters:

Alumni Newsletters

After enrolling, I found that these “newsletters” contained no news whatsoever! Just a few names, many fewer photos of classmates similarly duped, and advertisements. Not at all what one would expect given the text presentation above.

Then consider this text:

Upgrade to a lifetime membership (if you have not already) for a one time fee of $50. The lifetime membership option normally costs $100, so don't miss out on this offer! Proceeds benefit our Garrett Alumni Site. Use this link to upgrade now.

The red print is my doing, but the text itself was purely . Really now, “benefit our Garrett Alumni Site?” Exactly what unwary dupes like I and a few others wanted to do for the authentic, non-profit, true Garrett Schools Alumni Association – but I hazard that no one at all wanted to “benefit” this commercial site with no genuine connection at all to the organization we cherish.

Finally, this trickery is bolstered by the site’s claim that they are a “leading source for Garrett High School Railroaders Apparel, Merchandise, Gear, Sportswear and Clothing [and much more related text].” The implication is that since GHS owns the rights to its name and logos, then there must be a genuine relationship between GHS and; but that is a lie: Garrett High School Principal Matthew Smith has told me there is no relationship whatsoever between GHS and this site.

To be clear about the title “Beware Faux School Alumni Association Web Sites”: faux means false or imitation, as in “faux mink fur.”

Now, as my belated wariness revealed, is exactly what it says (in the fine print) it is: a for-profit “association” with no authentic ties to the organizations people expected to find per their Google search. To a layman’s mind, this is certainly imitation, and false.

A Successful Recourse

Using language very much as presented above, I appealed this charge to my credit card company, and the $50 charge was reversed.

My Relationship to the “True”

Garrett Schools Alumni Association per

I started attending Garrett Schools Alumni Association meetings in February, simply as an interested observer hoping to help in some way. Carolyn DePaolo edits its annual newsletter promoting the mid-July activities, which will be mailed this very week to roughly 500 names, most of whom have been paying the nominal, annual $5 membership, which anyone can afford.

Obviously this list is quite incomplete. Names aren’t added in any case until the graduating class’ 25th anniversary, addresses cannot always be found, most potential members don’t pay the annual $5, and numerous names slip through the cracks due to undocumented address changes.

Given the inevitably incomplete mailing, the postal expense, and printing charges, the advantage of internet communication is obvious. Ultimately there should be a dedicated web site (any volunteers?), but for now this is what we are doing:

The very limited mailing will go out as always, but in addition:

·         I wrote a Garrett Schools Alumni Days blog post promoting that weekend, and …

·         Invited people to send an email to, from which they will be sent the Garrett Schools Alumni Association newsletter (or a link to it) once it is complete.

·         EVERYONE is then encouraged to print the registration, send the basic $5 to support the Alumni Association …

·         And if you can, attend some of the various special weekend events, including the Friday Walk Around Town, golf (requires registration), the Saturday Luncheon (requires registration), and Saturday tours of the new High School.

·         But I (Stephen Rowe) am not soliciting, nor will I accept any money for anything so related. This email address is purely a temporary bridge until the Association develops a real web site, and all money should be sent directly to the Garrett Schools Alumni Association at the address printed on its newsletter.

In the meantime, we hope You will share this post and whatever electronic information you receive from with classmates and friends: send them email, share this post on your Facebook wall, call them, and talk to them, as relatively few people are going to see this particular post. This should be a banner year for these events given the tours of the new High School.

And You – looking forward, if you would like to set up and administer an official Garrett Schools Alumni Association web site, come to a monthly meeting and volunteer: 2nd Mondays, 7:00PM, at the Methodist Church across from the library (west door).

Finally, a Note on Class Newsletters

I have been writing a monthly GHS ’70 class newsletter since July 2012, of which you can see some excerpts at These have been very worthwhile - helping to connect people is good in its own right, and the newsletters are enjoyed by many.

But beyond this “good enough reason in itself,” I have a dream that ultimately, stronger connections might promote a flow of resources, time, and talent back to Garrett.  There are so many people out there who might leave legacy gifts to the library, community center, etc, if only they should think to do so. Likewise with living expertise, time, and talent, especially as people move toward and enter retirement. There is so much that might be done … So let’s get connected! Reach out, participate, and share! Start a class newsletter of your own.

Stephen Rowe welcomes correspondence of all sort at
(watch for the period between Rowe and OriGraphics)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lessons the Teacher Never Taught You: GHS Bathroom Graffiti Physics

(Excerpt from the April 2013 GHS '70 Newsletter)

Circa 1966, thinking 8th grade but maybe later, reading a graffiti physics lesson etched into the old paint of a GHS school bathroom stall:

     Heat of the Meat  X  Mass of the Ass = Angle of the Dangle

Graphic detail from “Nymphs and Satyr,” 1873
Analysis by unknown GHS student, circa 1966

I’ve often wondered what GHS genius imagined this astonishing equation? Or if not a genius, then at least someone possessed of far more esoteric knowledge than I at the time … Someone we can never know with certainty, as surely more than one lesser mind would happily steal the credit!

I loved math and science at the time ... is that why I thought it was so funny and remembered it so well? Something else I'll never know - how many others appreciated it as much as I did?

In any case, here is a “thanks” to someone for an adolescent "GHS Memory" that has stayed with me, now into my sixties.

Stephen Rowe welcomes correspondence of all sort at
(watch for the period between Rowe and OriGraphics)



Monday, May 6, 2013

July 3rd/4th Garrett Heritage Days Walk/Run +Plus Getting Closer!

We are getting CLOSE to the annual Garrett July3rd/4th Heritage Days events, which include:


July 3:

Parade/Pet Parade (July 3) @ 6:00 pm

Spike and the Bulldogs @ 8:00 pm


July 4:

Pancake Breakfast (Jul 4) @ 7:00-11:00 am

2 mile walk or 5k (3.1 mile) run @ 9:00

Cathy Ann Dance Studio @ 9:00

Turning Pointe Dance Academy @ 10:00

Sidewalk Chalk Art @ 9:00–3:00

Old car Cruise-Inn
Patricia Krus School of Dance @ 11:00

Chicken BBQ @ 11:30 – 2:00

Talent Show @ 1:00

Pie and Cookie Baking Auction @ 3:00

Pageant @ 5:00-8:30

Fireworks @ 10:00

For even more, click the link above.


For those now living outside the Garrett Zone, Spike’s band, always a big draw, is probably THE region’s favorite 50’s / 60’s cover band, and presently includes Garrett’s own Bob Zmysloni and Wayne Neukom – WAY better now than your memories of them from High School!

The Pancake Breakfast cost is a donation, the old car Cruise-In is free, and the pre-registration walk/run cost has been just $5 for many years (which includes a free Garrett July 4th walk/run t-shirt), thanks to the Garrett State Bank’s sponsorship - so it’s relatively easy to bring children and grandchildren to walk and/or run with you, should you and they be inclined. To download the pre-registration mail-in form,click on this link. If you don’t pre-register for $5 by June 15, you can still enter the Walk/Run for $15, even on the very day, but only pre-registered participants are guaranteed t-shirts.

I’ve always seen a number of friends there from various classes, and had a great time.

In the meantime, it is within our power to make 2013 the best-by-far turnout yet:

·         Commit now to share that morning with friends and community. Put it on your calendar today.

·         Declare your interest to friends (whatever their class or age) personally, through email, on Facebook, etc; and if you really want to impress someone, text their phone (though personally, I am a bona-fide Geezer, and can’t understand why anyone would prefer text to voice).

Spread the word about these multiple events - lots to take in whether or not you walk or run, lots of people you may see.

Finally, do not confuse these July 3-4 Garrett Heritage Days with the July 19-20 GarrettAlumni Days events, which include a Golf Outing and a morning Walk Around the Town on Friday; and on Saturday, Tours of and a Noon Luncheon at the new High School, and the nine to midnight All-Classes Open House at the American Legion (always jam-packed and now smoke-free). Not to mention the many class reunions going on everywhere Friday and Saturday.
Reach out! Participate! Share! Be Friendly! Be Happy!


Stephen Rowe welcomes correspondence of all sort at
(watch for the period between Rowe and OriGraphics)