Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Special Year for the Annual July Garrett Alumni Day Events

The annual July Garrett Alumni Day events are in view, so mark your calendar: Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20.

THIS YEAR WILL BE SPECIAL, because the Saturday noon luncheon program will include tours of the finished new High School.

If you haven’t seen the new school - its classrooms, technology, heritage paintings and artifacts - it really is breathtaking. You will be thrilled …
And this attraction is sure to draw unprecedented numbers of alumni across ALL age groups.

Let’s be honest. Everyone now under the age of 60 has complained that every year, almost everyone who goes is way older! This is the event’s thirtieth year and most if not all the founders were between forty-five and sixty thirty years ago.


Well it is time for us youngsters to take our place at the table, to sincerely thank our elders for their efforts, and to rejuvenate a tradition that has a lot more to offer. 


Whatever YOUR age, come and enjoy. See longtime friends, meet new ones, and even talk with strangers!
I had great fun meeting new people at last year’s “Friday Walk Around Town…”


… And am definitely going to the Saturday noon luncheon this year. Others enjoy the Friday morning golf, and the Saturday nine to midnight Open House at the American Legion (now smoke-free) is always jam-packed. Not to mention the many class reunions going on everywhere. 

Whatever your interests, these 2013 Garrett Alumni Days promise to be especially vibrant.



So ...

Watch your mailbox in the weeks ahead for the eight page Garrett Schools Alumni Association Newsletter events schedule and registration information; or if you think you may not be on the Association’s mailing list, send an email to GarrettAlumni@yahoo.com requesting that its newsletter be sent to you by email when it is ready.

Another option will be to download the newsletter and registration form using a www link, which will be provided as well to anyone who emails GarrettAlumni@yahoo.com (once the newsletter is ready).  This will make it easy to share information by posting the link electronically on Facebook, on other web sites, and in emails.

Begin sharing this information today, and be assured that once the newsletter is finalized, all who have emailed GarrettAlumni@yahoo.com will be in the know.


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