Sunday, August 30, 2015

Football, Technology, Character, and Tie-Dye at GHS

Last Friday night I saw the Garrett/Dekalb football game, first such in many, many years, and was very impressed. The kids were so spirited yet very well behaved and polite, and so cohesive. Sportsmanship was evident, and even the adults - so famous 50 years ago for their hostility to referees – behaved! 

Don’t know if you are aware of this, but the Garrett Schools are way ahead of Angola, Auburn, and most public schools nationally in teaching/enabling ‘technology’ [use of computers, digital info, etc]. I have heard much of this over the past few years, and it is not just hype - a classmate (John Ellis) who spent some recent years as director of the Indiana School Superintendants Association confirmed this to me, it is for real.

That is REALLY important, because there are so many socioeconomically deprived kids there these days - and not all, but certainly many now - who will succeed, but who might not have otherwise. In addition to the focus on technology, the school emphasizes ‘character’, and that was evident in the kids at the football game.

Finally, at the game the Garrett student body was a wave of tie-dye!

I thought it might have something to do with last year’s hugely successful GarrettSummer Sixties Music Fest, still not sure, but have reliable information that the tie-dye theme was initiated by the cheerleaders.

YES! Tie-dye forever!!

And Garrett won 24-21!

Original drum purchased in the 1920s when the 
first band was organized at Garrett High School